[rust-dev] Cleaner and more visible llvm options?
Manish Goregaokar
2014-08-27 18:23:22 UTC
A few days ago I was setting up a clean Rust build, and I wanted to avoid
the llvm build.

For some reason, the apt-get install from the Travis file didn't work --
there were gpg issues. Eventually I ended up using Servo's llvm snapshot.
Which was fine with me.

However, the only reason I knew that we could do this was because I've
worked with Rust's travis file before and knew that llvm could be
apt-get'ed with some gpg jugglery.

Today, a friend of mine was trying to build Rust, and he had no clue about
this -- so went to build LLVM. LLVM takes *very* long to compile -- perhaps
we should make the apt-get alternative more visible somehow? Compile times
can be a put off to newbies.

Even better, provide our own llvm snapshot on rust-lang.org that gets
downloaded with the right configure flag, perhaps even making this the
default option. Servo does this for Rust, and it's a rather smooth

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Brian Anderson
2014-08-27 18:49:04 UTC
Right now the options are to use the default in-tree build, or your own
out-of-tree build. The out-of-tree build is risky because it doesn't
carry our patches and isn't tested.

You are suggesting that we also provide official LLVM snapshots. This
has been considered many times but never done for a few reasons: the
time and effort to set up more automation; the LLVM build happens "once"
and then it doesn't get rebuilt (of course in practice people rebuild
LLVM pretty often); with more people using binaries and not building
from source the pain isn't universal. Basically, it's never been painful
enough to fix.

I opened a bug at least: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/16796
Post by Manish Goregaokar
A few days ago I was setting up a clean Rust build, and I wanted to
avoid the llvm build.
For some reason, the apt-get install from the Travis file didn't work
-- there were gpg issues. Eventually I ended up using Servo's llvm
snapshot. Which was fine with me.
However, the only reason I knew that we could do this was because I've
worked with Rust's travis file before and knew that llvm could be
apt-get'ed with some gpg jugglery.
Today, a friend of mine was trying to build Rust, and he had no clue
about this -- so went to build LLVM. LLVM takes /very/ long to compile
-- perhaps we should make the apt-get alternative more visible
somehow? Compile times can be a put off to newbies.
Even better, provide our own llvm snapshot on rust-lang.org
<http://rust-lang.org/> that gets downloaded with the right configure
flag, perhaps even making this the default option. Servo does this for
Rust, and it's a rather smooth experience.
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