[rust-dev] SF Hack night topics
Alan Andrade
2014-08-14 03:39:07 UTC
Hi Rusties,

The first SF hack night is happening next Tuesday and we still need to decide what topics we?ll jump into.
Following the lead of @cmr and his latest blog post http://blog.octayn.net/blog/2014/07/15/state-of-rust-0.11.0/, we will be hacking the following projects:

- Zinc http://zinc.rs/
- Piston http://www.piston.rs/
- Iron http://ironframework.io/

I setup a spreadsheet to gauge interest. Please add yourself to any project or add your project.


\o/ So excited !!!

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Brian Anderson
2014-08-14 19:29:24 UTC
If I want to hack on zinc, what do I need? Should I bring some type of
hardware? I have no experience with Arduino, etc.
Post by Alan Andrade
Hi Rusties,
The first SF hack night is happening next Tuesday
<http://www.meetup.com/SF-Rust-Hacknights/events/194585552/> and we
still need to decide what topics we?ll jump into.
http://blog.octayn.net/blog/2014/07/15/state-of-rust-0.11.0/, we will
- Zinc http://zinc.rs/
- Piston http://www.piston.rs/ <http://www.piston.rs/>
- Iron http://ironframework.io/
I setup a spreadsheet to gauge interest. Please add yourself to any
project or add your project.
\o/ So excited !!!
Rust-dev mailing list
Rust-dev at mozilla.org
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Ben Harris
2014-08-14 21:18:03 UTC
Something like this (https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensy31.html) has just
enough Zinc support to get going - but the lack of a good debug interface
makes life a little hard if you get stuck. If you pick another platform
with an ARM Cortex processor I can make sure the Zinc tree has some support
for it (we are a couple of weeks away from a nice 'pick up and go' state).
Post by Brian Anderson
If I want to hack on zinc, what do I need? Should I bring some type of
hardware? I have no experience with Arduino, etc.
Hi Rusties,
The first SF hack night is happening next Tuesday
<http://www.meetup.com/SF-Rust-Hacknights/events/194585552/> and we still
need to decide what topics we?ll jump into.
http://blog.octayn.net/blog/2014/07/15/state-of-rust-0.11.0/, we will be
- Zinc http://zinc.rs/
- Piston http://www.piston.rs/
- Iron http://ironframework.io/
I setup a spreadsheet to gauge interest. Please add yourself to any
project or add your project.
\o/ So excited !!!
Rust-dev mailing listRust-dev at mozilla.orghttps://mail.mozilla.org/listinfo/rust-dev
Rust-dev mailing list
Rust-dev at mozilla.org
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