[rust-dev] [ANN] Iobuf
Clark Gaebel
2014-09-04 05:17:47 UTC
Hey everyone!

Have you ever needed to communicate with the outside world from a rust application? Do you need to send data through a network interface, or touch a disk? Then you need Iobufs!

An Iobuf is a nifty abstraction over an array of bytes, which makes writing things like highly efficient zero-copy speculative network protocol parsers easy! Any time I need to do I/O, I reach for an Iobuf to do the heavy lifting.

? ? ? ? ? ? https://github.com/cgaebel/iobuf

? - Clark
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Vladimir Matveev
2014-09-04 07:46:06 UTC

I?ve noticed this piece of code in your library:

fn as_mut_slice(&self) -> &mut [u8] {
unsafe {
match self {
&OwnedBuffer(ref v) => {
let mut_v: &mut Vec<u8> = mem::transmute(v);
&BorrowedBuffer(ref s) => {
let mut_s: &mut &mut [u8] = mem::transmute(s);

I was under impression that transmuting & to &mut is undefined behavior in Rust, and you need to use RefCell (or UnsafeCell) for this. Am I wrong?
Post by Clark Gaebel
Hey everyone!
Have you ever needed to communicate with the outside world from a rust application? Do you need to send data through a network interface, or touch a disk? Then you need Iobufs!
An Iobuf is a nifty abstraction over an array of bytes, which makes writing things like highly efficient zero-copy speculative network protocol parsers easy! Any time I need to do I/O, I reach for an Iobuf to do the heavy lifting.
- Clark
Rust-dev mailing list
Rust-dev at mozilla.org
Clark Gaebel
2014-09-04 08:15:24 UTC
I think you?re right! Thanks for pointing at UnsafeCell. That seems like exactly what I want. It has been fixed.

Thanks a ton for the catch!

? - Clark

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 12:46 AM, Vladimir Matveev <dpx.infinity at gmail.com>
Post by Vladimir Matveev
fn as_mut_slice(&self) -> &mut [u8] {
unsafe {
match self {
&OwnedBuffer(ref v) => {
let mut_v: &mut Vec<u8> = mem::transmute(v);
&BorrowedBuffer(ref s) => {
let mut_s: &mut &mut [u8] = mem::transmute(s);
I was under impression that transmuting & to &mut is undefined behavior in Rust, and you need to use RefCell (or UnsafeCell) for this. Am I wrong?
Post by Clark Gaebel
Hey everyone!
Have you ever needed to communicate with the outside world from a rust application? Do you need to send data through a network interface, or touch a disk? Then you need Iobufs!
An Iobuf is a nifty abstraction over an array of bytes, which makes writing things like highly efficient zero-copy speculative network protocol parsers easy! Any time I need to do I/O, I reach for an Iobuf to do the heavy lifting.
- Clark
Rust-dev mailing list
Rust-dev at mozilla.org
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Kevin Ballard
2014-09-05 03:36:38 UTC
I?m still seeing bad transmutes.

fn from_str<'a>(s: &'a str) -> RawIobuf<'a> {
unsafe {
let bytes: &mut [u8] = mem::transmute(s.as_bytes());

This is taking a `&str`, converting to `&[u8]`, and then transmuting to `&mut [u8]`. Besides being undefined, I have to assume it's also possible for other code later on to end up attempting to actually mutate this data, which will either a) be really bad, or b) not even be possible if it's a string constant in read-only member.

Post by Clark Gaebel
I think you?re right! Thanks for pointing at UnsafeCell. That seems like exactly what I want. It has been fixed.
Thanks a ton for the catch!
- Clark
fn as_mut_slice(&self) -> &mut [u8] {
unsafe {
match self {
&OwnedBuffer(ref v) => {
let mut_v: &mut Vec<u8> = mem::transmute(v);
&BorrowedBuffer(ref s) => {
let mut_s: &mut &mut [u8] = mem::transmute(s);
I was under impression that transmuting & to &mut is undefined behavior in Rust, and you need to use RefCell (or UnsafeCell) for this. Am I wrong?
Post by Clark Gaebel
Hey everyone!
Have you ever needed to communicate with the outside world from a rust application? Do you need to send data through a network interface, or touch a disk? Then you need Iobufs!
An Iobuf is a nifty abstraction over an array of bytes, which makes writing things like highly efficient zero-copy speculative network protocol parsers easy! Any time I need to do I/O, I reach for an Iobuf to do the heavy lifting.
- Clark
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Rust-dev at mozilla.org
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Clark Gaebel
2014-09-05 06:55:28 UTC
from_str is only used to construct read-only Iobufs, which do not support writing into the buffer. Also, if you modify the string, it should invalidate the Iobuf since the lifetime is bound to the borrowed reference of the string.

? - Clark
Post by Kevin Ballard
I?m still seeing bad transmutes.
fn from_str<'a>(s: &'a str) -> RawIobuf<'a> {
unsafe {
let bytes: &mut [u8] = mem::transmute(s.as_bytes());
This is taking a `&str`, converting to `&[u8]`, and then transmuting to `&mut [u8]`. Besides being undefined, I have to assume it's also possible for other code later on to end up attempting to actually mutate this data, which will either a) be really bad, or b) not even be possible if it's a string constant in read-only member.
Post by Clark Gaebel
I think you?re right! Thanks for pointing at UnsafeCell. That seems like exactly what I want. It has been fixed.
Thanks a ton for the catch!
- Clark
fn as_mut_slice(&self) -> &mut [u8] {
unsafe {
match self {
&OwnedBuffer(ref v) => {
let mut_v: &mut Vec<u8> = mem::transmute(v);
&BorrowedBuffer(ref s) => {
let mut_s: &mut &mut [u8] = mem::transmute(s);
I was under impression that transmuting & to &mut is undefined behavior in Rust, and you need to use RefCell (or UnsafeCell) for this. Am I wrong?
Post by Clark Gaebel
Hey everyone!
Have you ever needed to communicate with the outside world from a rust application? Do you need to send data through a network interface, or touch a disk? Then you need Iobufs!
An Iobuf is a nifty abstraction over an array of bytes, which makes writing things like highly efficient zero-copy speculative network protocol parsers easy! Any time I need to do I/O, I reach for an Iobuf to do the heavy lifting.
- Clark
Rust-dev mailing list
Rust-dev at mozilla.org
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Rust-dev at mozilla.org
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Kevin Ballard
2014-09-05 09:55:27 UTC
It's still undefined behavior to construct the &mut reference like that, even if it's never actually mutated. I think you need to ditch &mut and start using *mut instead.

Post by Clark Gaebel
from_str is only used to construct read-only Iobufs, which do not support writing into the buffer. Also, if you modify the string, it should invalidate the Iobuf since the lifetime is bound to the borrowed reference of the string.
- Clark
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Clark Gaebel
2014-09-05 15:49:39 UTC
It just seems weird to me that transmuting to a raw::Slice<u8>, and then casting the data ptr to a *mut u8 when I need it is safer than just using the &?a mut [u8] directly.

But alas, I?ll fix it.

? - Clark
Post by Kevin Ballard
It's still undefined behavior to construct the &mut reference like that, even if it's never actually mutated. I think you need to ditch &mut and start using *mut instead.
Post by Clark Gaebel
from_str is only used to construct read-only Iobufs, which do not support writing into the buffer. Also, if you modify the string, it should invalidate the Iobuf since the lifetime is bound to the borrowed reference of the string.
- Clark
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