[rust-dev] [announce] CloQ
Clark Gaebel
2014-08-23 22:14:59 UTC
?Hi rust-dev!

I would like to announce the release of a library I just wrote called CloQ:
a queue of closures [1].

It lets you store unboxed closures in a queue, and pop them out to run
later. Think of it as a less box-y RingBuf<Box<Fn|FnMut|FnOnce>>.

The only allocations it does is for a single backing array of memory, and
the only dependencies are on liballoc and libcore (and libtest for testing).

I hope this helps people looking to make performant schedulers when unboxed
closures are fully complete.

Have fun!
- Clark

[1] https://github.com/cgaebel/cloq

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