[rust-dev] Rust on CodeBunk
Yousuf Fauzan
2014-09-27 04:07:12 UTC
Hi Guys,

Just wanted to let you all know that CodeBunk (http://codebunk.com) now
supports Rust. Do check it out.

Yousuf Fauzan

CodeBunk provides a Realtime Collaborative Editor with Compile/Run and REPL
shells. CodeBunk is an Online Compiler/Interpreter for *Rust*, R,
Coffeescript, Scala, PHP, Python, Ruby, Perl, Lua, Javascript, C, C++,
Java, Erlang, Haskell, Julia, Clojure, Go. CodeBunk also has Peer-to-Peer
Video/Audio chat facility. CodeBunk is ideal for Online Interview of
Developers as well as Learning to code from Friends.
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